
If you are a member of an LGTBI collective you will benefit from a 10% discount

Si eres miembro asociado de algún colectivo LGTBI tendrás un 10% de descuento. 

Tailor-made In Vitro Fertilisation

Ovodonation all inclusive Guarantee of 1 Blastocyst


  • Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
  • Selection and assignment of compatible donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Mediation for ovarian stimulation of the donor.
  • Donor ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Timelapse Incubator
  • Embryomobile (watch the evolution of the embryos from home).
  • Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst).
  • Transfer of the first embryo.
  • Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
  • Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Guarantee of 1 high quality embryo (blastocyst).

*Not included:

The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated price of less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

*Programme subject to prior medical acceptance.

Ovodonation all-inclusive Guarantee of 2 blastocysts


  • Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
  • Selection and assignment of compatible donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Mediation for ovarian stimulation of the donor.
  • Donor ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Timelapse Incubator
  • Embryomobile (watch the evolution of the embryos from home).
  • Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst).
  • Transfer of the first embryo.
  • Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
  • Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Guarantee of 2 high quality embryos (blastocyst).

*Not included:

The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated price of less than 50€ in Spanish pharmacies).

*Programme subject to prior medical acceptance.

Ovodonation with 1 Euploid Blastocyst Guarantee


  • Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
  • Selection and assignment of compatible donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Mediation for ovarian stimulation of the donor.
  • Donor ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Timelapse Incubator
  • Embryomobile (watch the evolution of the embryos from home).
  • Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst).
  • Preimplantational genetic diagnosis (PGD).
  • Transfer of the first embryo.
  • Monitoring of the process up to week 8 of gestation.
  • Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Guarantee of 1 high quality euploid embryo (blastocyst).

*Not included:

The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated price of less than 50€ in Spanish pharmacies).

*Programme subject to prior medical acceptance.

IVF with Own Eggs and Donor Sperm


  • Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Ultrasound checks.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Ovarian puncture and subsequent control visit.
  • Operating theatre and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Donor sperm.
  • Processing of the semen sample.
  • Andrology laboratory services.
  • Oocyte isolation.
  • Sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the status of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.

*Does not include:

– The cost of the patient’s medication (Estimated price of less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

– The cost of the sperm donor (Price from €350).

Donor Egg IVF


If the first Donor Egg IVF cycle does not result in two blastocysts or a positive pregnancy test, patients will benefit from a 50% discount on the second cycle.

  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Donor selection.
  • Assignment of the suitable donor.
  • Back-up donor: two donors are assigned (except in cases of special assignment).
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Ovarian puncture of the donor and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer
  • Donor follow-up.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

Egg 4 Donor Egg IVF


The EGG4 program ensures that a minimum of four mature oocytes of optimal quality are obtained.

  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Donor selection.
  • Assignment of the suitable donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Ovarian puncture of the donor (four mature oocytes of optimal quality).
  • Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Donor follow-up.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy Test
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

IVF - Just for Transfer


If the first Donor Egg IVF cycle does not result in two blastocysts or a positive pregnancy test, patients will benefit from a 50% discount on the second cycle.

  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Donor selection.
  • Assignment of the suitable donor.
  • Back-up donor: two donors are assigned (except in cases of special assignment).
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Ovarian puncture of the donor and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer
  • Donor follow-up.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

Mini IVF with natural cycle


  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Ultrasound check-ups.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Donor sperm.
  • Semen sample processing.
  • Andrology Laboratory Services.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Sperm Microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

Cumulative IVF


From the second cycle onwards, only half of the IVF laboratory fees must be paid. Our centre accumulates the embryos.

  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Endometrial preparation
  • Ovarian stimulation
  • Ultrasound check-ups.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • PGT embryo biopsy.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

Other Assisted Reproduction Treatments

Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm (AID)

Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm


  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Ultrasound check-ups.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Semen sample.
  • Processing of the semen sample.
  • Andrology Laboratory Services.
  • Preparation of the semen sample for the insemination.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.

*It does not include:

– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

ROPA Method: Shared Motherhood


  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation and endometrial preparation.
  • Ultrasound check-ups.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Donor sperm sample.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
  • Isolation of oocytes.
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the recipient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

Embryo Adoption


  • Orientation, cycle programming.
  • Medical follow-up of the cycle and endometrial preparation.
  • Embryo selection.
  • Maintenance of the assigned embryos in the IVF laboratory.
  • IVF Laboratory Service.
  • Embryo devitrification.
  • Embryo culture and morphological selection.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the recipient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

Fertility Preservation

Egg Freezing


You can pay for the treatment in 12 monthly instalments of 250€.

  • Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Ultrasound check-ups.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Operating room and clinic.
  • IVF Laboratory Services.
  • Vitrification of the eggs and maintenance of the frozen eggs during two years.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the patient’s medication.
– Annual maintenance costs from year 3 onwards: (300 € / year)

Sperm Freezing


  • Semen Assessment.
  • Sperm freezing in the laboratory.
  • Maintenance of the frozen sample for one year.
*It does not include:
– Annual maintenance costs from year 2 onwards: (200 € / year)

Oocyte Vitrification PLUS


  • Guidance, scheduling and medical monitoring of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation medication included.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Ultrasound checks.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Ovarian puncture and subsequent control visit.
  • Operating theatre and clinic.
  • IVF laboratory services.
  • Vitrification of the eggs and 5 years maintenance of the frozen eggs free of charge.

* Financing subject to bank approval.


Tandem IVF


Tandem IVF involves an IVF cycle with your own eggs but at the same time preparing an egg donor. In this way, we offer, in any case, the possibility of an embryo transfer without having to wait.
  • Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
  • Ovarian stimulation.
  • Ultrasound checks.
  • Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction.
  • Patient’s ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
  • Endometrial preparation of the patient.
  • Selection of a donor.
  • Ovarian stimulation of the donor.
  • Ovarian puncture of the donor.
  • Operating theatre and outpatient hospitalisation.
  • Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
  • Oocyte isolation.
  • Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
  • Embryo culture and daily study of the status of each embryo.
  • Timelapse incubator.
  • Embryo transfer at day 5 (blastocyst).
  • Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
  • Pregnancy test.
  • Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.

*Does not include:

-Patient’s medication costs are not included in the treatment.

Financiación disponible para tus tratamientos: Hasta 24 meses sin intereses

Financia con nosotros tu tratamiento de Reproducción Asistida. Disponemos de las mejores condiciones de financiación.
  • Sin cambiar de banco: Puedes domiciliar el pago en tu entidad habitual.
  • Sin moverte de casa: Todos los trámites se realizan en Institut Marquès presencial o telefónicamente sin necesidad de acudir al banco o al notario.
  • Agilidad: Para que no esperes a cumplir tu sueño de formar una familia.
  • Financiación totalmente personalizada: Adaptada al presupuesto del tratamiento de Reproducción Asistida o a la cantidad y plazo que necesites.
  • A medida: Paga con total facilidad en cuotas mensuales

Utiliza nuestra calculadora de financiación. Escoge la cantidad, los plazos y calcula tu coste total:

  • TIN: 0%
  • TAE: 0%
  • Comisión de apertura: 0%
  • Primera mensualidad: 0€
  • Resto de cuotas: 0€
  • Última cuota: 0€
  • Total financiado: 0€

* Financiación sujeta a la aprobación y a las condiciones de la entidad financiera.
** Cálculos aproximados que pueden variar ligeramente en función del plazo y liquidación de los pagos. (importe mínimo 300€, máximo 40.000€, comisión de apertura mínima 50€)
*** Servicio solo disponible para pacientes españoles o residentes en España (DNI o NIE requerido).

De 3 a 24 meses sin intereses

Comisión apertura 3% de 3 a 18 meses
Comisión apertura 3% a 24 meses

De 36 a 60 meses con intereses

Comisión apertura 3% y TIN 7.95%

Rellena el formulario a continuación solicitando tu financiación