If you are a member of an LGTBI collective you will benefit from a 10% discount
Si eres miembro asociado de algún colectivo LGTBI tendrás un 10% de descuento.
Tailor-made In Vitro Fertilisation

Ovodonation all inclusive Guarantee of 1 Blastocyst
- Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
- Selection and assignment of compatible donor.
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Mediation for ovarian stimulation of the donor.
- Donor ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Timelapse Incubator
- Embryomobile (watch the evolution of the embryos from home).
- Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst).
- Transfer of the first embryo.
- Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
- Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Guarantee of 1 high quality embryo (blastocyst).
*Not included:
The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated price of less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
*Programme subject to prior medical acceptance.

Ovodonation all-inclusive Guarantee of 2 blastocysts
- Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
- Selection and assignment of compatible donor.
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Mediation for ovarian stimulation of the donor.
- Donor ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Timelapse Incubator
- Embryomobile (watch the evolution of the embryos from home).
- Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst).
- Transfer of the first embryo.
- Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
- Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Guarantee of 2 high quality embryos (blastocyst).
*Not included:
The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated price of less than 50€ in Spanish pharmacies).
*Programme subject to prior medical acceptance.

Ovodonation with 1 Euploid Blastocyst Guarantee
- Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
- Selection and assignment of compatible donor.
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Mediation for ovarian stimulation of the donor.
- Donor ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Timelapse Incubator
- Embryomobile (watch the evolution of the embryos from home).
- Embryo culture until day 5 (blastocyst).
- Preimplantational genetic diagnosis (PGD).
- Transfer of the first embryo.
- Monitoring of the process up to week 8 of gestation.
- Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Guarantee of 1 high quality euploid embryo (blastocyst).
*Not included:
The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated price of less than 50€ in Spanish pharmacies).
*Programme subject to prior medical acceptance.

IVF with Own Eggs and Donor Sperm
- Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound checks.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction.
- Ovarian puncture and subsequent control visit.
- Operating theatre and outpatient hospitalisation.
- Donor sperm.
- Processing of the semen sample.
- Andrology laboratory services.
- Oocyte isolation.
- Sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the status of each embryo.
- Embryo transfer.
- Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*Does not include:
– The cost of the patient’s medication (Estimated price of less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the sperm donor (Price from €350).

Donor Egg IVF
If the first Donor Egg IVF cycle does not result in two blastocysts or a positive pregnancy test, patients will benefit from a 50% discount on the second cycle.
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Donor selection.
- Assignment of the suitable donor.
- Back-up donor: two donors are assigned (except in cases of special assignment).
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Ovarian puncture of the donor and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation
- Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
- Isolation of oocytes.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
- Embryo transfer
- Donor follow-up.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

Egg 4 Donor Egg IVF
The EGG4 program ensures that a minimum of four mature oocytes of optimal quality are obtained.
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Donor selection.
- Assignment of the suitable donor.
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Ovarian puncture of the donor (four mature oocytes of optimal quality).
- Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
- Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
- Isolation of oocytes.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
- Embryo transfer.
- Donor follow-up.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy Test
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

IVF - Just for Transfer
If the first Donor Egg IVF cycle does not result in two blastocysts or a positive pregnancy test, patients will benefit from a 50% discount on the second cycle.
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Donor selection.
- Assignment of the suitable donor.
- Back-up donor: two donors are assigned (except in cases of special assignment).
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor and endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Ovarian puncture of the donor and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation
- Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
- Isolation of oocytes.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
- Embryo transfer
- Donor follow-up.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

Mini IVF with natural cycle
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound check-ups.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
- Donor sperm.
- Semen sample processing.
- Andrology Laboratory Services.
- Isolation of oocytes.
- Sperm Microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
- Embryo transfer.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

Cumulative IVF
From the second cycle onwards, only half of the IVF laboratory fees must be paid. Our centre accumulates the embryos.
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Endometrial preparation
- Ovarian stimulation
- Ultrasound check-ups.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
- Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
- Isolation of oocytes.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
- PGT embryo biopsy.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the semen sample
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
Other Assisted Reproduction Treatments

Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm (AID)
Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound check-ups.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Semen sample.
- Processing of the semen sample.
- Andrology Laboratory Services.
- Preparation of the semen sample for the insemination.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the patient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).

ROPA Method: Shared Motherhood
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation and endometrial preparation.
- Ultrasound check-ups.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Operating room and outpatient hospitalisation.
- Donor sperm sample.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
- Isolation of oocytes.
- Embryo culture and daily study of the state of each embryo.
- Embryo transfer.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the recipient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
– The cost of the donor’s medication.

Embryo Adoption
- Orientation, cycle programming.
- Medical follow-up of the cycle and endometrial preparation.
- Embryo selection.
- Maintenance of the assigned embryos in the IVF laboratory.
- IVF Laboratory Service.
- Embryo devitrification.
- Embryo culture and morphological selection.
- Embryo transfer.
- Follow-up of the process until week 8 of pregnancy.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound check-ups with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the recipient’s medication (estimated to be less than €50 in Spanish pharmacies).
Fertility Preservation

Egg Freezing
You can pay for the treatment in 12 monthly instalments of 250€.
- Orientation, programming and medical follow-up of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound check-ups.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
- Ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Operating room and clinic.
- IVF Laboratory Services.
- Vitrification of the eggs and maintenance of the frozen eggs during two years.
*It does not include:
– The cost of the patient’s medication.
– Annual maintenance costs from year 3 onwards: (300 € / year)

Sperm Freezing
- Semen Assessment.
- Sperm freezing in the laboratory.
- Maintenance of the frozen sample for one year.
*It does not include:
– Annual maintenance costs from year 2 onwards: (200 € / year)

Oocyte Vitrification PLUS
- Guidance, scheduling and medical monitoring of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation medication included.
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound checks.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction.
- Ovarian puncture and subsequent control visit.
- Operating theatre and clinic.
- IVF laboratory services.
- Vitrification of the eggs and 5 years maintenance of the frozen eggs free of charge.
* Financing subject to bank approval.

Tandem IVF
- Guidance, programming and medical control of the cycle.
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound checks.
- Blood tests and assessment by a gynaecologist specialising in Assisted Reproduction.
- Patient’s ovarian puncture and subsequent follow-up visit.
- Endometrial preparation of the patient.
- Selection of a donor.
- Ovarian stimulation of the donor.
- Ovarian puncture of the donor.
- Operating theatre and outpatient hospitalisation.
- Andrology and IVF laboratory services.
- Oocyte isolation.
- Semen sample processing and sperm microinjection (ICSI).
- Embryo culture and daily study of the status of each embryo.
- Timelapse incubator.
- Embryo transfer at day 5 (blastocyst).
- Monitoring of the process until week 8 of gestation.
- Pregnancy test.
- Medical support and ultrasound control with a gynaecologist specialised in Assisted Reproduction.
*Does not include:
-Patient’s medication costs are not included in the treatment.
Financiación disponible para tus tratamientos: Hasta 24 meses sin intereses
- Sin cambiar de banco: Puedes domiciliar el pago en tu entidad habitual.
- Sin moverte de casa: Todos los trámites se realizan en Institut Marquès presencial o telefónicamente sin necesidad de acudir al banco o al notario.
- Agilidad: Para que no esperes a cumplir tu sueño de formar una familia.
- Financiación totalmente personalizada: Adaptada al presupuesto del tratamiento de Reproducción Asistida o a la cantidad y plazo que necesites.
- A medida: Paga con total facilidad en cuotas mensuales
Utiliza nuestra calculadora de financiación. Escoge la cantidad, los plazos y calcula tu coste total:
- TIN: 0%
- TAE: 0%
- Comisión de apertura: 0%
- Primera mensualidad: 0€
- Resto de cuotas: 0€
- Última cuota: 0€
- Total financiado: 0€
* Financiación sujeta a la aprobación y a las condiciones de la entidad financiera.
** Cálculos aproximados que pueden variar ligeramente en función del plazo y liquidación de los pagos. (importe mínimo 300€, máximo 40.000€, comisión de apertura mínima 50€)
*** Servicio solo disponible para pacientes españoles o residentes en España (DNI o NIE requerido).
De 3 a 24 meses sin intereses
De 36 a 60 meses con intereses